September 2024 - Our SUP & boat rental is closed for the season.
We look forward to welcoming you again in May 2025!
NEU - SUP Wingsurf
Anfängerkurs mit Instructor Nino
Möchtest du einmal die neue Trendsportart "Wingen" ausprobieren?
Leih dir doch einfach ein SUP Baord und einen Wing bei uns aus. Diese Kombination ist optimal für den Einstieg ins "Wingen".
Mit unseremen Anfängerkurs solltest du schnell Lernerfolge erzielen.

Theorie, Material und Sicherheitskunde
Wingführung am Simulator (Land),
Wingsurfen und Technik am SUP (Wasser)
Preis € 149.- Dauer ca. 2-3h
Euer Wing Foil Instructor Vincent "Nino" Gecmen-Waldeck
1h Theorie und Simulator
1-2h Wingsurfen am Wasser
Badebekleidung (Neopren empfohlen)
1-2 Teilnehmer
Stand Up and start Paddling
Our Naish SUP Center & boat hire is located directly on Lake Wolfgang, one of the warmest swimming lakes right in the heart of the Salzkammergut region. With Stand Up Paddle boards, everyone can now enjoy a completely new and, above all, fun way to explore the beauty of the lake along the shore, while also doing some exercise!
Lite Venture SUP Boards
We proudly announce to be Austria´s first Ambassador for the slick LiteVenture SUP Boards. You can try various models like the Cruzer.
Lite Venture® German SUP Design from Lite Venture on Vimeo.
SUP-Board € 16 / h
10er-Block € 125
Elektroboot € 28 / h
Zille (mit E-Motor) € 35 / h
Treetboot (Gisela/Gustav) € 18 / h
Kanadier (3-4 Personen) € 18 / h
Einer-Kajak € 14 / h
Kinder-Kajak (1 Person) € 10 / h
Courses and Tours
conducted by our certified SUP instructors Franziska Hensen & Vincent Gecmen-Waldeck
General information about tours:
Tours are only available with pre-registration. Incentives, student groups, etc. upon request.
Minimum number of participants 3 persons, max. 7 persons (from 12 years of age).
Tours are not dependent on the weather (except in case of storm / thunderstorm).
Beginner Tour 1 hour | 45.- €
contents: material knowledge, safety instructions, basic paddling techniques such as curves, deceleration, turning; posture training, etc.
Our guided tours allow you to fully immerse in nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Salzkammergut region. A perfect opportunity to unwind and let the water carry you. Our certified SUP instructors are always available to offer helpful tips regarding your posture or paddling technique.
If you are even more ambitious, you will find Stand Up Paddling to be an ideal form of workout - in the middle of nature, right in the open air!
From top athletes like the Austrian Skiing Association (ÖSV), this sport, which was first established in Hawaii in the 1960s, is recognized as a great complementary training. The positive health effects have been confirmed by an independent study. Stand Up Paddling can be an ideal addition to your studio workout :-)